Patterns of Content: An ExamplePoliceMagazineIn March 1995,Policemagazine published excerpts from the Firearms Discharge Assault Report for
1993. It indicated the targets fired at by New York City police officers.Critical readers do not simply read the data; they look for patterns in the
data. They will notice patterns of targets fired at and patterns in the rate
of success at each type of target. TARGET | NUMBER OF | NUMBER OF | | SHOTS FIRED | HITS | |
Perpetrators | 928 | 173 | Dogs | 155 | 111 | Accidental Discharge | 43 | 17 | Protecting Other Officer | 18 | 10 | Officer Intoxicated | 10 | 0 | Suicide | 8 | 8 | Into Locker | 6 | 0 | Vehicle | 5 | 0 | Girlfriend | 3 | 3 | Attempted Suicide | 3 | 2 |
What inferences can you draw about the officers, their behavior...and their aim?